Defines a 2D path with a parametric function f(t) = (x(t), y(t)). For example, a circle of radius 3 with center at the origin is defined by

f(t) = (3*cos(t), 3*sin(t))

The path has designated start and finish values for the parameter t. Note that t is only used to generate the path and usually t does not correspond to a length measure of the path.

interface ParametricPath {
    getFinishTValue(): number;
    getName(opt_localized?): string;
    getStartTValue(): number;
    isClosedLoop(): boolean;
    nameEquals(name): boolean;
    x_func(t): number;
    y_func(t): number;

Implemented by


  • The ending value for t in the parameteric equation defining the path.

    Returns number

    ending value for t

  • Name of this object, either the language-independent name for scripting purposes or the localized name for display to user.

    The language-independent name should be the same as the English version but capitalized and with spaces and dashes replaced by underscore, see Util.toName and nameEquals.


    • Optional opt_localized: boolean

      true means return the localized version of the name; default is false which means return the language independent name.

    Returns string

    name of this object

  • The starting value for t in the parameteric equation defining the path.

    Returns number

    starting value for t

  • Whether the path is a closed loop, ending at the same point it starts.

    Returns boolean

    whether the path is a closed loop

  • Whether this ParametricPath has the given name, adjusting for the transformation to a language-independent form of the name, as is done by Util.toName.


    • name: string

      the English or language-independent version of the name

    Returns boolean

    whether this ParametricPath has the given name (adjusted to language-independent form)

  • Returns the x value for the given value of t in the parametric equation.


    • t: number

      the value of t in the parametric equation

    Returns number

    the x value for the given value of t

  • Returns the y value for the given value of t in the parametric equation.


    • t: number

      the value of t in the parametric equation

    Returns number

    the y value for the given value of t

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