Simulation of one to three blocks moving freely in one dimension, with springs attached to the blocks, and walls on either end.


  1. time
  2. kinetic energy
  3. potential energy
  4. total energy
  5. block 1 position
  6. block 1 velocity
  7. block 2 position
  8. block 2 velocity
  9. block 3 position
  10. block 3 velocity


This was originally created to investigate collision schemes for the rigid body simulation, like serial or simultaneous collision handling. One idea for how to handle collisions is to insert springs at each collision point, and I tried a version of this in RigidBodySim. But the collisions were not behaving the way I expected. So I made this simulation to check how a simplified collision with stiff springs behaves. Indeed, this simulation shows that these spring based collisions are far from the 'ideal' collision behavior. That 'ideal' collision behavior includes things like:

  1. if block A hits stationary block B of equal mass, then block A should be stationary, and block B is moving with same velocity.

  2. if block A hits stationary blocks B and C (where B and C are motionless in resting contact), then block C should be the only one moving after the collision and A and B should be in resting contact.

My conclusion was that spring forces were not the right way to go for handling collisions in the rigid body simulation. However, I've learned some things from this simulation since then:

  • extremely short springs (short rest length) requires very high stiffness. Otherwise, the blocks just pass thru. I think it is because a spring takes some time/distance for the force to operate and if moving too fast for the length then there is not enough time/distance. You also have to use short time step.

  • high stiffness (60) with short times step (0.001) and a small gap (0.1) between blocks/springs somewhat satisfies the ideal collision behaviors described above. This is with low mass of 0.1, and no damping.

To Do

Add AdaptiveStepSolver to choices for DiffEqSolver; does it work better in terms of having constant energy? Otherwise, the stiff springs seem to give energy fluctuations with regular step size of 0.025; if you reduce to a very small time step of 0.0005, then the energy is fairly constant. But that's wasteful of using many tiny steps during most of the time when the springs aren't engaging.

Hierarchy (view full)




dragIdx_: number = -1

index of the block being dragged, or -1 when no drag is happening

dragSpring_: null | Spring = null

the spring dragging the block

initialState_: null | number[] = null

Initial values.

mouse_: PointMass

object that represents mouse position while dragging. Note that we don't add the mouse object to the SimList and therefore don't make a DisplayObject for it.


Constant that indicates 'start in middle' configuration.


Constant that indicates 'start on wall' configuration.


  • Adds the given Observer to this Subject's list of Observers, so that the Observer will be notified of changes in this Subject. An Observer may call Subject.addObserver during its observe method.


    Returns void

  • Rebuilds the simulation from scratch with the given number of blocks, starting position, and gaps.


    • numBlocks: number

      number of moveable blocks to make

    • startPosition: number

      starting position of blocks: 0 = middle, 1 = on-wall

    • startGap: number

      gap between objects in starting position

    Returns void

  • Defines the differential equations of this ODESim; for an input set of variables, returns the current rate of change for each variable (the first derivative of each variable with respect to time).

    The timeStep is the time since the state variables were last fully calculated, which can be and often is zero. The current time can be regarded as getTime() + timeStep. The input variables correspond to the Simulation state at that time. Note that timeStep is different from the time step used to advance the Simulation (as in AdvanceStrategy.advance). The timeStep is typically used when finding collisions in CollisionSim.findCollisions.


    • vars: number[]

      the current array of state variables (input), corresponding to the state at getTime() + timeStep

    • change: number[]

      array of change rates for each variable (output), all values are zero on entry.

    • _timeStep: number

      the current time step (might be zero)

    Returns null | object

    null if the evaluation succeeds, otherwise an object relating to the error that occurred. The change array contains the output results.

  • Called at the end of a mouse drag operation, performs whatever action is appropriate. Only called if startDrag returned true.


    • _simObject: null | SimObject

      the SimObject being dragged, or null if no SimObject was found

    • _location: Vector

      the location of the mouse in simulation coordinates of the SimView where simObject was found, or in the focus view if simObject is null.

    • _offset: Vector

      distance from the initial object position to the mouse location at start of drag.

    Returns void

  • Called when a key is pressed or released, performs whatever action is appropriate for that event.


    • _evt: KeyboardEvent

      the KeyboardEvent that happened

    • _pressed: boolean

      true means this is a key-down event; false means a key-up event

    • _modifiers: ModifierKeys

      the modifier keys down during event

    Returns void

  • Called at each movement during a mouse drag, performs whatever action is appropriate. Only called if startDrag returned true. The SimObject being moved is passed in, along with the current mouse position, in simulation coordinates, and an offset calculated at the start of the drag.

    Setting the SimObject position to (x - offsetX, y - offsetY) will move the SimObject smoothly along with the mouse movement.


    • simObject: null | SimObject

      the SimObject being dragged, or null if no SimObject was found

    • location: Vector

      the location of the mouse in simulation coordinates of the SimView where simObject was found, or in the focus view if simObject is null.

    • offset: Vector

      distance from the initial object position (from DisplayObject.getPosition) to the mouse location at start of drag.

    Returns void

  • Sets whether this Subject will broadcast events, typically used to temporarily disable broadcasting. Intended to be used in situations where a subclass overrides a method that broadcasts an event. This allows the subclass to prevent the superclass broadcasting that event, so that the subclass can broadcast the event when the method is completed.


    • value: boolean

      whether this Subject should broadcast events

    Returns boolean

    the previous value

  • Called at the start of a mouse drag. The nearest dragable SimObject is passed in, along with mouse position in simulation coordinates. If no dragable SimObject was found, null is passed for the first argument. If the EventHandler does not recognize the SimObject then it should return false.


    • simObject: null | SimObject

      the SimObject that is nearest to the mouse drag coordinates, or null if no SimObject was found

    • location: Vector

      the location of the mouse in simulation coordinates of the SimView where simObject was found, or in the focus view if simObject is null.

    • _offset: Vector

      distance from the initial object position (from DisplayObject.getPosition) to the mouse location at start of drag

    • _dragBody: null | Vector

      location of 'drag point' on the SimObject in body coordinates of the SimObject; this is where for example a spring will be attached on the SimObject when dragging; or null when no SimObject was found

    • _modifiers: ModifierKeys

      the modifier keys down during event

    Returns boolean

    true if the EventHandler will handle dragging the SimObject

  • Returns a minimal string representation of this object, usually giving just identity information like the class name and name of the object.

    For an object whose main purpose is to represent another Printable object, it is recommended to include the result of calling toStringShort on that other object. For example, calling toStringShort() on a DisplayShape might return something like this:


    Returns string

    a minimal string representation of this object.

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